Saturday, December 25, 2010

Top Ten Holiday Moments

Happy Holidays! What a great year it has been, so much to celebrate, so much to be thankful for, so much to share with you! Here are the top ten holiday moments for our family...hope your top ten are just as delightful!

Drum roll please...

Number 10: Christmas morning bathroom construction project...almost done. Yes, I know we started it on Labor Day, but we just can't stop the project (or should I say finish?!)

Number 9: Brandy slushes! Shelly's family tradition of brandy slushes throughout the holiday season. Yum!

Number 8: Baking cookies and delivering to our neighbors and friends!

Number 7: Our President revoked Don't Ask, Don't Tell!

Number 6: Healthy minds and bodies!

Number 5: Welcoming back the light with a lunar eclipse!

Number 4: Weekend trip to the coast and L's first trip to the aquarium!

Number 3: Delicious holiday fare made by David with love (and eaten with love from the rest of us!)

Number 2:
Celebrating the holiday season with Aunt Jenn who is visiting us all the way from snowy and cold Vermont!

And the Number 1 Holiday Moment of 2010 is....

Our Adoption is finalized! Lilleth Mina Ponder is official!

We got word from our lawyer and the adoption agency that our adoption was finalized on December 7th! We received our certificate and the Judge's signature on Christmas Eve...a wonderful gift!

I hope that your holidays are filled with peace and joy!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Well it has been quite a while since my last blog post...we have been a little bit busy! Our last 9 weeks (yes L is 9 weeks old today) have been pretty amazing. L has changed our world for the better, crazy thing is I didn't even know my world could have gotten any better before she arrived. I mean, our lives were pretty good - we had jobs we liked, a great community, really wonderful friends close by and far away, we just bought a house, and our dog is (finally) extremely sweet and adorable - but then L arrived and our lives got so much sweeter.

Each day with L has shown both challenges and pure joy...some of the hardest challenges you may wonder...well brushing my teeth and taking a shower before 6 that is a challenge with a newborn! However, my dirty teeth and greasy hair can't stop me from staring with pure uninhibited love at this bundled up being in my arms. How wonderful that she doesn't even seem phased by my stench, now that is love on her part!

October was such a beautiful month, we brought L home, we had quality time just the three of us getting to know one another, figuring out how change diapers, make bottles, dress a squirmy baby and finding time to sleep. Our first family visitors arrived and L got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa P sleeping, sort of smiling and just feeling the love. L also participated in her first halloween dressed as a Skeleton and even trick or the way she still rocks that onesie!

November, the rain finally arrived in the great Northwest and L learned to smile (at the beginning of the month "Elvis lip sort-of I think she is smiling" smile), went to the farmers' market to ooh and ahh at all of the things you can grow in Oregon (even in October/November), enjoyed a sweet visit by Grandma C who just held her and rocked her for an entire week while mom and dad enjoyed some quality time away and even though the fog and rain pretty much obscured the view, visited the OR coast and ate (or at least watched us eat) fresh seafood! She also gave thanks at her first thanksgiving with wonderful friends around the table. She had guests (Yeah Sarah, Matt, Henry, Jack and Daisy) drive all the way from MT to see her. Last Thanksgiving (before L was even a thought in her heads) we drove to MT to see these folks and meet Henry who was then 3 months old. We all had so much to be thankful for...including an incredible dinner prepared by the guys!

Now we enter December, now halfway over. Already L has learned to roll from her tummy to her back, smile at everyone, including strangers waving and cooing at her, she is talking and learning to use her voice at every decibel possible. She loves to stand on her own two feet pushing up, almost like she is tired of laying around and already I feel like she is growing up way too fast! L had her first plane ride and did great, sleeping through all of the flights to WI. She experienced very cold temps and lots of snow, met lots of her extended family and can't wait to go back to see them again (but hopefully it will be A LOT warmer and much less snow)! And December isn't even over...

I am so thankful for this wonderful life our family has and I can't wait to see what L will learn in January!