Thursday, October 7, 2010

An Update

Yes we are still waiting, no news on the baby girl, but some great news on some adoption assistance we applied for a few months ago. Our application to Pathways for Little Feet was approved and we were awarded a $5,000 interest free loan to help with our adoption costs. Very exciting - thank goodness for all those years of grant writing!

Check out their website and help spread the word about this great organization to potential donors and to adoptive parents.

It has been an emotional week. A close member of my family passed away unexpectedly. He was my dad's best friend, my second dad, a wonderful husband, an amazing dad and the best papa. While the anticipation of the baby's arrival is heavy on our minds, so is Chuck and his family. Because of the birth being any day now, we are unable to fly back to WI - it doesn't feel right.

Many of you who read my blog may not know Chuck and his family, but if you all could send some positive thoughts and energy to them I would be grateful. Thank you.


  1. Great news on the interest free loan! Sorry to hear about your friend. 10/10 is super close.

  2. So sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts go out to you and his family.
