Monday, April 25, 2011

Milk Sharing

I haven't written a lot about this topic, not because I haven't wanted to, but mainly because I keep forgetting to share this part of our story. So, this lovely article in our local newspaper about our story (and another family) has prompted me to share with you.

Click here to read the story:
Our Milk Sharing Story

Before Lilleth was born we knew that we wanted to give her the best start to life - breastmilk. I could have tried to figure out how to make my body start lactating, without a promise of success or possibly not producing even 1/2 of the amount of food she would need. Instead, I went with finding breastmilk donors, which has proven to be one of the best things we have done for Lilleth.

After a lot of research and some great advice by a friend (that has been both a donor and recipient) we were convinced this was an excellent choice for our family. We found donors in so many different ways, everything from a website to facebook (yes facebook!). We also found donors through local midwives and friends.

What an amazing gift all of our donors have given our family! We can't be anymore thankful to the incredible women that have given all of the liquid gold to us and Lilleth. With the help of many women, we have been able to feed L breastmilk until she was 4 and 1/2 months old and are still giving her it whenever we can get our hands on it.

What an incredible adventure we are on!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Here is an equation I recently solved...

If being a fulltime parent = hardwork
If working fulltime = hardwork
If not getting a full night's sleep = fuzzy brain
Fulltime parent + Fulltime job x Lilleth - no sleep = A most perfect life!

I just hope Lilleth has such mad math skills as me!