Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Extremely overdue post

It has been way too long since I have been here. Almost four months since my last post and let me tell you all it has been quite the four months. I guess I will start with Lilleth. She is growing so fast, almost one year already since the little bean entered our world. She is crawling, standing, but not yet walking. She is close to taking that first step. She is sleeping through the night, at least a majority of them these days and has four teeth, a tooth just poking through and more on the way.

This summer Lilleth went camping for the first time and loved it, played at the beach with friends climbing sand dunes and splashing in the ocean. We also spent time visiting friends and family in WI where Lilleth had lots of time to help with Grandma's garden and eat leaves and grass.

We had a couple of small set backs, one being our house getting broken into and our wallets, credit cards, computer and car were stolen. It was a terrible two weeks. However, we got our car back and they caught the person who committed all of the crimes, so we are relieved. We also lost a very important person in our lives this summer and said goodbye with another trip to WI.

But I guess the biggest news, that some of you know about already, is that Lilleth is going to be a big sister! I am 16 weeks pregnant and finally feeling better now that I have entered my second semester. The whole pregnancy was a bit of a surprise for us. In fact, I thought I had the flu and even called the doctor for an appointment. Anyways, we are thrilled to bring a new soul into the world and for Lilleth to be a big sister. By the way, I am due March 4th.

I can't forget to write about our gardening, which is one of Lilleth's favorite things to do. We have been helping a friend with her garden since May and are now reaping the benefits! Can you say tomatoes?! At least once a week we go out to the garden and visit the chickens, the kitties, the doggies, our friends and all of the plants we have been nurturing throughout the season. Almost 100 tomato plants, beans, beans, bean, summer squash, winter squash, onions (sweet and storage), basil, eggplant, blueberries, pears, figs, apples and I could go on and on and on. Already this summer we have put away 40 quarts of tomatoes, zucchini relish, pear/plum honey, fruit butter, 15 pounds of blueberries, 35 pounds of peaches, 5 quarts of pickles and pickled squash, and more is on the way. We love fall and food.

So all in all the last four months have been seriously intense so I am sorry for the lack of communication. I will try to be better now that we are settled (sort of) back into some routine, at least until March.


  1. Wow, Sandra just told me the news a few days ago -- congratulations!!! I know it might make for a few challenging years (with two wee ones instead of one) but you and David are SUCH amazing and passionate people, I know you will take the next phase on with relish (and ketchup and mustard, for good measure ;-). Congrats again!

  2. Amazing news.
    I want to say a huge thank you. In 2010 you submitted your fingerprints at the same time as we did, and then you pursued adoption and we dawdled like we had been for 6 years. It was in part seeing your adoption of Lilleth that encouraged me to get going and now we have Fox. So grateful. Thank you for the inspiration. Smooches to Lilleth.
